1Str. Sfinţii Voievozi
In 1905, Dimitrie Pompeiu shocked the world capital of complex analysis, Paris, with a thesis stating the anti-intuitive claim of the existence of a class of analytic functions continuous on their set of singularities. The perplexity came from the fact that concomitantly another thesis, by Ludovic Zoretti, claimed just the impossibility of such a class, which was in agreement with intuitive expectations. But Pompeiu was right. Most of his subsequent results were in the same order of intellectual constructions characterized by elegance, simplicity, originality and with impact in various directions., His bounded derivative having a finite Riemann integral on no compact interval had impact in topology, differential equations and other branches of mathematics. Mentor of Onicescu, Nicolescu, Moisil and Teodorescu, Pompeiu remains a term of reference for Romanian mathematics.
Analytic functions, Singularity, Continuity, Anti-intuitive, Integrability, Derivative
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