Printed edition: ISSN - L 1582-1218
Online edition: ISSN - 2284-7316
The Journal of Science Policy and Scientometrics - New series proposes itself to be considered as a forum of analysis and debate of the scientific research and innovation policies, of the education and research problems which represent an inseparable whole. The journal will publish original studies, communications of general concern, reports, debates of some nationally and internationally elaborated programs, letters to the chief editors, reviews, domestic and foreign information, presentations of the development trends of the different domains of the contemporary science etc. There will be published, as well, scientometric presentations and studies regarding the quantitative aspects of the "Science of the Sciences", the scientific management policy, the way in which the scientometric studies are analyzed and applied with the help of the statistical/mathematical methods in the evaluation of the original scientific research results.
Editor-in-chief: Petre T. Frangopol
Assistant Editor-in-chief: Alexandru Dan Corlan