1Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Materialelor
2Institutul de Fizică Atomică
This paper is devoted to a scientometric analysis of publications published by Romanian physics in international journals in the decade 2001-2010. 9 main physics directions and 3 physics-related thematic areas can be pointed out on the basis of some indicators (number of cited publications Qn, citations number Cn and cumulated impact factor). A third from Romanian publications indexed in Web of Science and about 60% from the total citation number for all fields belong to these main physics and physics-related directions. The crown indicator Cn/Pn has values over 10 for domains such as Physics, Nuclear ; Physics, Fluids&Plasmas and Physics, Particles &Fields but the lowest values under 5 occur for the fields with highest productivity (Physics Applied and Optics).In all physics directions, the three physics institutes located at Magurele, Bucharest and three universities (UBB, UB and UAIC ) have outstanding contributions reflected in the obtained scientific output. An overview of international cooperation and the inter- and multidisciplinary nature of various physics directions is presented
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