1Institutul Național de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizică și Inginerie Nucleară „Horia Hulubei”
The use of nuclear techniques for the study and conservation of cultural heritage began decades ago at the Physics Platform Magurele. The tradition is continued in several national and international collaborations with museums, cultural and research institutions from the country and abroad. In the following are described recent activities organized at Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering with the occasion of the Second International Workshop of Nuclear Techniques for Study and Preservation of Cultural Heritage planned in the frame of the projects IFA-CEA C3-05/2013 ETCOG, IAEA TC RER0039/2014 and UEFISCDI Partnerships 213/2012 TEXLECONS. Particular emphasis on the round table discussions about the opportunity to create a national/regional center for the study and preservation of cultural heritage is done.
Nuclear techniques, Cultural heritage, Radiopolymerisation, Gamma irradiation
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