1Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizică şi Inginerie Nucleară “Horia Hulubei”
2Institutul Naţional de Fizică şi Inginerie Nucleară „Horia Hulubei”
The annual budget reduction of PARTNERSHIP and IDEI Programs, which started in 2013, continue to have a negative impact on excellence in research. Five kinds of reactions are noticed: National Council of Scientific Research resignation; protests of a group of researchers in front of the building of Ministry; open letter of a project director to the prime minister; Ad Astra protest against cancellation of UEFISCDI; sue of Education Ministry. As a next step of individual evaluation process we recommend to take into account the citation number, Hirsch factor, G factor and the SPIRES classification scheme.
Research funding, Budget reduction, Researchers feedback, Improving evaluation
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