1Universitatea “Politehnica” din Timişoara
Son of Banat, the future university professor Zeno Gropsian graduated from the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry from Politehnica Bucharest, where he also obtained his PhD title under the guidance of prof. Emilian Bratu, member of the Romanian Academy. The academic career began at “Politehnica” Timisoara, in the fields of general chemistry and metallurgy followed, from 1948, by chemical engineering. As mentors during his teaching activity, he had distinguished professors: Aurel Candea, Ilie Murgulescu, Coriolan Dragulescu. During the 45 years of academic activity, he developed and consolidated the field of chemical engineering at Timisoara becoming head of department, PhD adviser and Dean of the Faculty. Professor Zeno Gropsian obtained remarkable results in the study of high pressure systems, synthesis and characterization of organic heat carriers and magnetic fluids, being appreciated for his high skills, his thoroughness and responsibility.
Founder of chemical engineering school, Responsibility and competence
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