1Universitatea "Politehnica" din Timişoara
The paper presents a critical study on the contents of the classified list of domains and specializations in higher education, the fundamental field of "Engineering Sciences", compared with the proposed structure of the "Bologna" process, in regard to their number, duplication, overlaps and inappropriate names, their influence on the superior engineering skill names, conclusions and proposals. One of the first steps of the reform in higher education should be focussed on its content. An expression of an education system is defined by the structure of the classified list of fields and specializations. Within the fundamental domain of "Engineering Sciences", the classified list of Bachelor areas and specializations comprises 32 university degree studies domains, with a table of over 187 specializations and studies programs. We believe in the need of taking a serious decision (even of political nature and assumption) in order to reconsider the too large and artificial structure of the current university studies classified list.
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