Volumul: Vol.2, Numarul 2/2013

Publicat la: Iun 2013

Conține 15 articole

Ipoteză şi experiment în ştiinţele naturii şi credinţele religioase






1Chemical Research Institute, Timisoara branch of the Romanian Academy



In natural sciences, hypothetical models are proposed for each system that is studied. These models are validated by comparing their predicted behaviour with measurements actually performed in the same systems. In contrast, the approach used in religious beliefs also involves ethical and esthetical principles for validation. The approach of natural sciences is exemplified by Rutherford's studies of the atomic structure and by theories for appearance of life on Terra, out of the primordial chemicals. Most scientists consider that there are no fundamental contradictions between science and religious beliefs but that these are separate domains which should not be mixed.


Cuvinte cheie

Religious beliefs, Science-religions, Models-religions




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