Volume: Vol3, Issue 3/2014

Published on: Sep 2014

Contains 13 articles

The scientific research in Romania in SCImago Institutions Rankings






1Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Materialelor
2Institutul Naţional pentru Fizica Materialelor, Bucureşti-Măgurele, România



The recent SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) World Reports are used to obtain a quantitative and qualitative image of Romanian Research in the last decade. An accurate analysis of the results shows that a ranking based only on scientific output is misleading whereas two performance indicators (NI, %Q1) and an indicator related to international collaboration ( %IC) can offer a more exact picture of added value of research. IFA and UBB are on the first places in qualitative rankings whereas Romanian Academy, UB and UAIC are also higher-ranked institutions at national level in terms of scientific research. Also, in the same context, UPB, which is the leader for scientific output, has, however, low values for NI, %Q1, %IC.



SCImago Institutions Rankings, IFA, UBB




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