1Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila”
On June the 27-th, 2014, the National Foundation for Science and Art and the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences organized in Bucharest a scientific debate to clarify the ilnesses Mihai Eminescu suffered from in the last part of his life. Chairman of the round-table was Eugen Simion, former president of the Romanian Academy. The debates were conducted by Irinel Popescu, president of the Academy of Medical Sciences. There were exposed different points of view from a psychiatrist, a neurologist, a dermato-venerealogist, a toxycologist, a specialist in forensic medicine, and a specialist in history of medicine. All the participants emphasized that Eminescu presented signs of bipolar disorder, with episodes of mania and depression. The last 6 years of his life added signs of hydrargyrism due to an inadequately applied treatment with mercuric chloride for a presumed neurosyphilis. The final diagnosis was : bipolar syndrome complicated by hydrargyrism. This is a typical example of iatrogeny, therefore of a pathology due to undesired effects of the treatment given by the physician.
Eminescu, Patografie, Iatrogenie
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