1Institutul de Fizică şi Inginerie Nucleară „Horia Hulubei”
The paper reproduces the ideas presented by the author at a discussion on Dec. 4th 2013, under the umbrella of the round table “Universities and the Research in Romania, what direction?”, organized by this journal at the University of Bucharest. It presents rather in detail the process extended over most of the year 2013 for the elaboration of the Romanian national strategy for research, technological development and innovation for the years 2014-2020, with the insights of a direct participant. A number of peculiarities are noticed by the author who combines a good, direct and solid knowledge of the Romanian research community with the experience of over two decades of work in research in Western Europe and the United States. One is that a research strategy is better conceived and formulated by competent and responsible researchers than by ad-hoc and paid “consultants” or by blind polls. Another is that by co-operating and speaking up their mind the researchers can improve a process that may seem doomed at points. Two documents formulated in the process: “Vision of Research, Development and Innovation 2020” and ”The Strategy of Basic Research 2014-2020” are presented fully in annexes. In the end, the author supports the idea of organizing a group (think-tank?!) of academics to continuously analyze, discuss and act on high education and research in the country, as a way of competent discussion and advice to the society at large and the political factors.
National research strategy, Romanian research, Research and high education, Horizon 2020
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