Volume: Vol2, Issue 2/2013

Published on: Jun 2013

Contains 15 articles

The Science and the Unity of Culture






1Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizică şi Inginerie Nucleară “Horia Hulubei”



The two cultures, the old, humanistic one that is the classic and well known and the new, scientific one, were developed in parallel, without channels of communications between them. This situation can have unpredictable social consequences. This alarm signal was triggered during last century by the well known british writer C. P. Snow. The dialogue between the natural sciences and the art is influenced by the so called intellectualism, that is humanistic by formation. The existence of an interference between the two cultures is a fact. Numerous exemples are discussed. The ties between science and arts, between science and literature are scarcely treated. This is probably due to the poor aesthetics education in today's schools. The greatest scientists, the poets and the famous engineers could be called and artists regarding the achievements in their fields. Finally, the collaboration and mutual understanding between the artists and the scientists are very important.



Science, Culture, Arts, Culture unity, Science and arts




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