1Universitatea "Alexandru I. Cuza"
At 44 years-old, the great Romanian scientist Horia Hulubei moved from Iasi to Bucharest. Although his most outstanding contributions to the development of atomic and nuclear physics in Romania, as well as to science policy were made during his Bucharest period, the most important years in training and personal development are those from the first part of his life, his years in Iasi, including the Paris intermezzos. Horia Hulubei was already full professor, a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy and a world class physicist when he left Iasi for Bucharest. This contribution describes this first part of the scientist's life, bringing into attention new details found in some documents, dated prior to 1940s, that had not been presented until now. After reviewing many of the writings about Horia Hulubei’s life, this contribution also updates some of the advanced data related to the biography of the great scientist.
Horia Hulubei, Nuclear physics, Romanian Academy, Scientist
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