Volumul: Vol.5, Numarul 4/2016

Publicat la: Dec 2016

Conține 12 articole

Recenzie: Petre T. Frangopol: Mediocritate și excelență - o radiografie a științei și învățământului din România” - vol. 6






1Universitatea Tehnică “Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi
2Universitatea Tehnică “Gheorghe Asachi”



The recent book Mediocrity and Excellence: A radiography of science and education in Romania, vol. 6, published by professor Petre Frangopol presents different aspect concerning research and education in Romania. Thus, in the first part, the conclusions of the Round Table Discussions organized at University of Bucharest, are described in details. In the following sections of the book, some important Romanian scientific personalities are presented with the recommendations to be elected as full members of the Romanian Academy. In the book are included some interviews with scientists involved in the policy science and education. Professor Petre Frangopol presents also interesting aspects of the history of the Institute of Atomic Physics and of the Iași University. Related strongly by Constanța as his native town, he present interesting aspects related to the cultural aspects of the city and the history of his family. Finally, in this book, the information about the contributions of some Romanian scientists and publications in open access journals are discussed.


Cuvinte cheie

Research and education, Romanian scientists, History of Constanta, Memories




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