Volumul: Vol.3, Numarul 1/2014

Publicat la: Mar 2014

Conține 14 articole

Locul cercetării clinice/epidemiologice în sistemul CDI






1Spitalul Universitar de Urgență București



Clinical/epidemiologic research (CER) provides the basis of allopathic (mainstream) medicine by supplying the predictive theories needed for medical practice and health policy making. These theories consist of laws to probabilistically predict future clinical events based on current and previous measurements. CER studies consist of observations and experiments performed on patients, toghether with their theoretical interpretation. They are complemented by pathology, farmacokinetics and signal studies that are also performed in patients, but explore the relations between measurables rather than clinical events. Purely theoretical studies include metaanalyses—that are statistical analyses of data pooled from multiple similar studies, and more recently population pharmacokinetic and pharmacometric studies. The structure of the CER subsystems in developed countries is similar, and includes medical schools, teaching (and research) hospitals, epidemic surveillance government institutions, agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration, and a segment of the industry that organises clinical research for the purpose of testing and characterisation of drugs, devices and diagnostic and therapeutic machinery. The performance of the CER subsystem is essential for the proper training of physicians and for the atractivity of the health system for professional elites. The CER subsystem, estimated by a variety of metrics, such as the proportion of employees, funds and number of publications, represents about 6–11% from the overall research system in Romania, compared about 18–31% in the USA.


Cuvinte cheie

clinical research, subsystems of the national research and inovation system, economic constraints, health




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