Volumul: Vol.5, Numarul 2/2016

Publicat la: Iun 2016

Conține 15 articole

Generația 2050 și politica științei






1Academia de Studii Economice Bucureşti



This paper is inspired by the latest G3A’s (2015) Report and its subsequent initiative to open the debate about the role of science policy in a country project for Romania. We argue that a long-term vision for science should be about the youngest generation, people that will make decisions in and for Romania at the horizon of 2050. To articulate that vision, a mechanism should be implemented around three directions of action, namely (1) a complementary (or rather compensatory) effort of the leading scholars with a view to consolidating their disciplinary domains in Romania; (2) allocation of support according to the education and research needs specific to two distinct markets – global and local; and (3) attention to the thick complex of institutional development that goes beyond quality assessment.


Cuvinte cheie

Science policy, Institutions, Social mechanism, 2050, Economics, Romania




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