1Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Materialelor
2Institutul de Fizică Atomică
A short analysis of papers published by Romanian researchers in four secondary areas of physics has revealed important connections to main directions previously discussed in the first part of this paper. An overview of the Romanian physics in international context based on recent analysis of SCImago Journal & Country Rank shows that this has position 32 from 127 countries (position 41 for all scientific areas). In the decade 2001-2010, the contribution of Romanian physics has strongly increased from 3% to 7% at regional level whereas a constant increase of world contribution was also registered, thus reaching 1 % at the end of decade. Romanian physics has essentially contributed to many scientific fields such as: Materials Science (especially Materials Science, Multidisciplinary and Materials Science, Coatings and Films), Chemical Physics, Nuclear Science and Technology, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and some engineering areas (electrical, electronics, chemistry, mechanical, metallurgical etc). The results obtained in this study are consistent to those obtained in other two approaches. In summary, Romanian physics went up five places in European Union hierarchy in the period 2002-2008, being now in the first ten countries, overcoming thus countries such as Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Finland, Portugal, Denmark and Hungary. This meritorious result was obtained in spite of a weaker dynamics of Romanian research, which has only the place 15 in European top of published papers.
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