1Centrul de Chirurgie Generală şi Transplant Hepatic “Dan Setlacec”- Institutul Clinic Fundeni
2Centrul de Chirurgie Generală şi Transplant Hepatic „Dan Setlacec”
Romania faces an increase of “brain drain” to other countries benefit „brain gain” mainly because of the decrease and lack of predictability of national budgets allocated to research projects. The resolution of this “brain circulation” could be represented by “brain networking” connecting researchers from diaspora with Romanian research teams or by mobility of young researchers within their doctoral training program. The international relevance of the scientific results obtained within the collaboration between “Dan Setlacec” Centre of General Surgery and Liver Transplantation with worldwide distinguished research teams was acknowledged by publishing of several articles in well-known peer reviewed journals as Nature Genetics. To access significant research networks beside the involvement of each institution there is the need of an additional national effort to adopt competitive policies in order to increase the credibility within the national research financing system.
Brain drain, Brain gain, Brain networking, Partnership
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