Volumul: Vol.5, Numarul 2/2016

Publicat la: Iun 2016

Conține 15 articole

Suntem pregătiți să consumăm noul somon transgenic?






1Universitatea de Științe Agricole și Medicină Veterinară



After the commercialization of the first transgenic exotic zegrafish, recently Unites States and Canada approved the AqaAdvantage salmon for culture and consumption. With a capacity to mature more rapidly and reach the standard dimension in only 18 months, comparing with three years necessary for the wild-type salmon, the new triploid transgenic fish will have lots of advantage for the aquaculture. Are we prepared to have it on the plate? Some concerns of such new biotech product will always occur but this time the impact is not as important for the consumer’s acceptance as for the potential environmental impacts if these fish reaches rivers or oceans.


Cuvinte cheie

Salmon transgenic, AqaAdvantage salmon, Aquaculture salmon




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