Volumul: Vol.2, Numarul 3/2013

Publicat la: Sep 2013

Conține 15 articole

Stadiul de implementare a Proiectului Infrastructura Luminii Extreme – Fizică Nucleară






1Director General Institutul Național de Fizică și Inginerie Nucleară “Horia Hulubei” (IFIN-HH)
2Institutul Naţional pentru Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizică şi Inginerie Nucleară “Horia Hulubei”, Str. Reactorului 30, C.P. MG-6, 077125 Măgurele-Ilfov, România



The Status of the Implementation of the ELI-NP Project is presented. The activities related to Buildings Construction, Construction of the Major Equipment – High Power Laser System and High Intensity Gamma Beam System, the technical design reports for experimental set-ups, the human resources, the activities to enhance the economic-social impact of the ELI-NP Project, and the pan-European ELI Association are described.


Cuvinte cheie

Research Infrastructure, Structural Funds, High Power Lasers, High Intensity Gamma Beam.




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