Volumul: Vol.1, Numarul 2/2012

Publicat la: Iun 2012

Conține 13 articole

Schimbarea legii educaţiei - vendeta mediocrităţii






1Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizică şi Inginerie Nucleară “Horia Hulubei”



Introduction of an adequate law that will allow normal development of the educational and research system in Romania encounters a series of hurdles and oppositions from those who see their interests and undeserved advantages threatened. Such a law would allow Romanian education and research to be comparable and perform at the levels of similar systems of developed countries. It is not understood that placing of, let's say, Romanian universities in the top 500 in the world is not simply an objective of a bureaucratic five-year plan, but it would encourage and stimulate the value of performance, both for professors and researchers, and for students. The lessons of the past were forgotten too quickly; a past when political adversaries were labeled as "enemies of the people" that had to be eliminated at all cost, while “comrades” had to be promoted also at all cost, including “legally” awarding them official certificates.





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