Volumul: Vol.4, Numarul 4/2015

Publicat la: Dec 2015

Conține 16 articole

Recenzie: „Universitatea din Iaşi - Brevis Historia”






1Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizică şi Inginerie Nucleară “Horia Hulubei”



On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Iaşi University (1860 – 2010), the „Al. I. Cuza” University” of Iaşi, the oldest of Romania, edited for the use of Romanians a small booklet in 7 languages (roumanian, french, english, italian, german, spanish and russian), and also for foreign guests and visitors of the University, visitors of the University, which present a short history of the University, with a lot of photos, including eminent professors and their laboratories. It should be emphasized that Iaşi was the capital city of Moldavia beteween 1564-1859, one of the two capitlals cities of the Union of Principalities (Moldova and Valachia), between 1959-1862, and the capital city of Romania between 1916-1918. Some first events in Iaşi, importants for the Romanian history: 1600 – Michel the Brave declare in Iasi, for the first time. the Political Union of the three states: Moldavia, Valachia and Transylavnia; 1816 – the first spectacle in the romanian language organized by Gheorghe Asachi; 1828 – the first school in romanian language; 1834 – the first museum of Romania: the Natural History Museum of Iasi; 1834 - the first monument in the romanian states; the obelisk with lions in the Copou garden; 1840 – the first National Theater “The Copou Theater”; 1848 – Iasi was the beginning of 1848 revolution which extended after in the whole romanian teritories; 1876 – the first Jewish Theater in the world, established by Avram Goldfaden; 1912 – George Emil Palade was born in Iasi, the Nobel Prize winner for medicine and physiology (1974), as americam citizen; 1918 – the first memorial house in Romania :”Bojdeuca” of the famous roumanian writer Ion Creanga. The booklet demonstrate that the foundation of Iaşi University was a strategic political act for the development of the future of the young roumanian state just after the Union of Principalities of Moldova and Valachia in 1859.


Cuvinte cheie

Iaşi University, Romanian education




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