1Centrul Medical Universitar Pittsburgh
2Virginia Commonwealth University
3Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizică şi Inginerie Nucleară “Horia Hulubei“
Medical Physics is a profession that applies Physics concepts and methods to Medicine, to facilitate the act of care for patients with certain, various diseases. While this is a well established profession in many countries accross the world, Romania clearly lags behind. It is imperious necessary that the Medical Physicist profession be established properly, from the ground up, that is from the training stages to the practice stages. We provide here a general overview of the Medical Physicist profession (with more emphasis on the Diagnostic and Radiation Therapy branches), while making a humble attempt to outline some of the deficiencies that exist in Romania. It is our hope that this will stimulate and motivate all those concerned to begin a critical analysis of the current status of Medical Physics in Romania, that will lead to the proper establishment of this noble profession – a goal long overdue.
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