Volumul: Vol.1, Numarul 3/2012

Publicat la: Sep 2012

Conține 15 articole

Învățământul românesc - de la impas la criză






1Departamentul Biologie – Chimie, Facultatea de Chimie Biologie Geografie, Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara



Romanian educational system faced through history great political challenges and social convulsions. Nevertheless it has managed to create a Romanian Education System as “workshop” for education and professional training from which many young people graduated with high level of competence and qualification recognized at national and international levels. After 1990, despite various electoral speeches stating that education is a national priority, government assumption for “National Education Treaty” and Educational System reforms, Romanian Education System is characterized by crisis parameters at this very moment. As causes, we can mention: under financing, excessive politicization of the system, wide poverty amongst majority of population, low morale, professional and financial motivation of the education personal through their social status on the grounds of Education System instability in all of its components.





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