1Director General Institutul Național de Fizică și Inginerie Nucleară “Horia Hulubei” (IFIN-HH)
According to the ESFRI list, the European forefront research and development efforts in the field of high power (tens and hundreds of Petawatt) lasers will be focused for constructing the "Extreme Light Infrastructure" (ELI). The infrastructure will consist of 3 (later 4) pillars: in Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. It will be the first "multi-sited" European large-scale infrastructure and also the first to be located in the new EU members in Central and Eastern Europe. Romania will host the pillar ELI-Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP). A Consortium of the 3 host countries was formed and other interested countries are expected to join. This Consortium will evolve in an European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), a framework recently adopted by EC. At ELI-Nuclear Physics is foreseen Scientific Research at a new frontier in physics - the laser-nuclear physics frontier (www.eli-np.ro). The ELI-Nuclear Physics Scientific Center will have, as major instruments, two 10 PW lasers and a very brilliant γ beam system. The goal is to employ nuclear techniques, for better understanding the laser-target interaction, and design new experiments, for exploratory studies in fundamental physics and in applied science, by using the high intensity laser field and/or a γ beam with unprecedented performances of peak brightness and bandwidth. The ELI-NP project will be implemented at the Research Campus Bucharest-Măgurele by the National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering (IFIN) in collaboration with National Institute of Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR) and other national physics institute, University “Politehnica” Bucharest and University of Bucharest. The 293 MEuro project will be partially funded through the EC structural funds in the interval 2012-2016.
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