Volumul: Vol.2, Numarul 3/2013

Publicat la: Sep 2013

Conține 15 articole

Informatica Teoretică – informatica nu numai ca tehnologie






1Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică, Universitatea Bucureşti



This paper provides background ideas, motivations of theoretical or historical nature and references to show the relevance of the Theoretical Fundamentals of Computer Science for the understanding of the development of the field and of its applications, e.g. programs composition and languages. Different developments in Theoretical Computer Science considered here are related to the algebraic approach to semantics – due e.g. to D. E. Knuth, M. Nivat [3], E. Manes, M. Arbib, M. Steenstrup, Mihail Benado, the Romanian mathematician who has introduced partial monoids and multilattices [8] - and to the Romanian school due to Gr. C. Moisil [2], [6], [7], [9], [13] and S. Marcus with their followers. The present paper is a continuation of [14].


Cuvinte cheie

Computer science, Computer science in Romania




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