1Institutul de Chimie Macromoleculară „Petru Poni”
2Academia Română
The origins and evolution of the „Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry integrated into the school of chemistry in Iasi is described. Born on paper in 1948 – a hard period just after the Second World War - under the coordination of the Iasi Branch of the Romanian Academy, the institute evolved as any other public institution in Romania according to the state politics. Starting with basic research in coordination chemistry and vegetal proteins the institute moved quickly to pioneering research in polymer chemistry and physics, becoming later involved in polymer engineering – pilot and industrial technologies for silicones, synthetic leather, adhesives, synthetic papers, ion exchange resins were established and implemented into industry – and finally turned back to fundamental research after the political changes in the country. The published papers in hot research areas of macromolecular/supramolecular science and material science, the presence of its researchers in international conferences, the european and national projects implemented in the institute, the high quality of the human resources and of its research infrastructure positione the institute as a centre of excellence of the Romanian Academy, internationally recognized and able to provide transfer of knowledge and services to the interested industrial partners.
Iasi chemistry school, Iasi personalities, Iasi macromolecular science
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