Volumul: Vol.1, Numarul 3/2012

Publicat la: Sep 2012

Conține 15 articole

Ilie G. Murgulescu






1Departmentul de Fizică Chimie, Facultatea de Chimie, Univesitatea Bucureşti



The author presents the life as well as the activity of Ilie G. Murgulescu, distinguished professor and scientist in the field of physical chemistry, field in which he created a powerful school. Besides, he is known as an outstandig organizer of education and science, acting as one of the best ministers of education and presidents of the Romanian Academy. Among his scientific achievements, one has to mention 230 scientific papers dedicated to analytical chemistry, molecular structure, chemical kinetics and catalysis, photochemistry, chemical thermodynamics and electrochemistry, radiochemistry, physical chemistry of the fused salts. The seven volumes of the collection intitled “Introduction to Physical Chemistry”, published in the period 1976-1986, are considered reference books for the students, the research workers and the professors interested in Physical Chemistry and related fields. Professor Murgulescu supervised the activity of 23 doctors in chemistry. Among them, seven obtained the second scientific title of “Doctor docent”, two became corresponding members and two others full members of the Romanian Academy. As an important heritage left by professor Murgulescu, one has to mention the “Ilie G. Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the romanian Academy.





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