Volumul: Vol.4, Numarul 3/2015

Publicat la: Sep 2015

Conține 15 articole

Dumitru I. Marchidan (1930-2013)






1Institutul de Chimie Fizică „Ilie Murgulescu”



Dr. Sc. D.I. Marchidan was one of the successors of the Professor’s Ilie Murgulescu School of Physical Chemistry. Being considered the promoter of scientific research in the field of the high-temperature molten salts in our country, Dr. Marchidan's research career represented about half a century of activity in the research field of Physical Chemistry. His entire scientific life was linked to the Center of Physical Chemistry transformed after 1990 in the Romanian Academy's Institute of Physical Chemistry. Here, the strong personality of Dr. Marchidanwas manifested in research activity joined with managerial work, being in turn: head of laboratory (1963-1970; 1975-1993), head of section (1970-1971), scientific deputy director (1971-1975) and member of the scientific board of the institute (1963-1993). Apart from the original research in the field of thermodynamics and kinetics of high-temperature molten salts, Dr. Marchidan initiated and developed investigations on a large variety of subjects in the thermodynamics field, being at the same time involved in the professional development and the formation of young researchers working in fundamental and applied research of Chemical Thermodynamics. For his achievements Dr. Marchidan was distinguished with the "N. Teclu" Academy Award in 1961, the State's Award for the year 1963, the Medal for Scientific Merit in 1966 and the Order for Scientific Merit in 1972.


Cuvinte cheie

Physical chemistry, Chemical thermodynamics, High-temperature molten salts




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