1IFT Iasi
The National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics Iași is celebrating its 65th anniversary in 2016 and 20 years as national institute of research and development. The history of physics research at Iași starts in 1951 when the first Institute of Physics and Technical Sciences was founded under the leadership of Professor Teofil T. VESCAN and the scientific coordination of illustrious Professor Stefan PROCOPIU. The Institute of Physical and Technical Sciences that later became the Centre for Technical Physics (1977) gradually oriented its research activities towards magnetism, magnetic materials and their applications. After 1981, the institute developed pioneering research work in magnetic amorphous and nanocrystalline materials under the shape of ribbons, conventional wires, glass covered micro- and nanowires, and powders with multidisciplinary applications in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, or agriculture.
Institute for Technical Physics, Physics Research, Magnetism
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