Volumul: Vol.2, Numarul 1/2013

Publicat la: Mar 2013

Conține 12 articole

Analiza bibliometrică a centrelor de cercetare în matematica pură din România






1Institutul de Matematic˘a al Academiei Române,



We propose an evaluation method for research institutions in Romania based on their publication record in very high quality scientific journals. In pure mathematics, two thirds of researchers working in Romania having papers published after 1989 in the journals ranked 1–30 according to AIS in the field Mathematics (the first 13% of the 223 journals indexed by ISI Thomson Reuters in 2011), are based at IMAR Bucureşti. More than 80% of the respective papers are authored by IMAR members. Four out of the five papers published after 1989 by researchers based today in Romania in the top 10 journals have authors from IMAR. It appears that IMAR concentrates most of the high-level pure mathematics done today in Romania.





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