@article{RPSS-2012-1-4-46, author = { TIBOR BRAUN }, title = { Chimistul nuclear care a prevǎzut trecutul. Paul Kazuo Kuroda şi reactorii naturali de la Oklo }, volume = { 1 }, number = { 4 }, pages = { 314-319 }, year = { 2012 }, abstract ={ The paper highlights the exceptional professional performance of the US nuclear chemist Paul Kazuo Kuroda and of the French analytical chemist Henri Boziges, which has led to the discovery of the Oklo phenomenon. }, URL = { http://rpss.inoe.ro/articles/46 }, eprint = { http://rpss.inoe.ro/articles/46/file }, journal = { Revista de Politica Științei și Scientometrie – Serie Nouă } }