@article{RPSS-2016-5-3-282, author = { DIANE P. C. VANCEA ALEXANDRU BOBE }, title = { Challenges and trends in financing Romanian higher education. Will the reform be driven by the report of the Romanian ... }, volume = { 5 }, number = { 3 }, pages = { 214-237 }, year = { 2016 }, abstract ={ We review challenges and trends in reforming higher education funding in Romania, looking from a wider European context. We discuss the obstacles posed by the increased competition for students, academics, and funding, stressing that the public funding of higher education in Romania and most Central and Eastern European is significantly below the EU average. We analyze the recent report of the Romanian Court of Accounts and discuss some of its conclusions regarding higher education funding. We plea for increased public funding, with less political interventions, for funding mechanisms that stimulate performance while allowing for inclusiveness and equity, being simple, verifiable and diverse. }, URL = { http://rpss.inoe.ro/articles/282 }, eprint = { http://rpss.inoe.ro/articles/282/file }, journal = { Revista de Politica Stiintei si Scientometrie – Serie Noua } }