@article{RPSS-2015-4-4-236, author = { }, title = { Cercetarea marină românească şi cooperarea cu Comisia Internaţională pentru Explorarea Ştiinţifică a Mării Mediterane ... }, volume = { 4 }, number = { 4 }, pages = { 325-328 }, year = { 2015 }, abstract ={ One eloquent example of the recognition accorded to Romanian marine research is the ninety-year cooperation between Romania and the Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM). Romania’s official membership of this old, fruitful and long-lived European organization devoted to marine sciences dates back to 1925. Illustrious personalities of our national biological oceanography, such as Emil Racovitza and Grigore Antipa, as well as numerous of their disciples, underpin and illustrate the remarkable level of this long-lasting cooperation. }, URL = { http://rpss.inoe.ro/articles/236 }, eprint = { http://rpss.inoe.ro/articles/236/file }, journal = { Revista de Politica Științei și Scientometrie – Serie Nouă } }