@article{RPSS-2015-4-2-212, author = { }, title = { Primul experiment cosmic românesc aprobat de NASA–propus de Emil Chifu }, volume = { 4 }, number = { 2 }, pages = { 155-156 }, year = { 2015 }, abstract ={ A short description of the first Romanian cosmic experiment is presented. The experimental model was realised by Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA, and was implemented on the DDM Module (Drop Dynamics Module) in the 3rd NASA mission of the spatial lab 3 (1981). }, URL = { http://rpss.inoe.ro/articles/212 }, eprint = { http://rpss.inoe.ro/articles/212/file }, journal = { Revista de Politica Științei și Scientometrie – Serie Nouă } }