@article{RPSS-2013-2-4-108, author = { Radu Gologan }, title = { O recunoaştere a valorii scolii matematice româneşti }, volume = { 2 }, number = { 4 }, pages = { 345-347 }, year = { 2013 }, abstract ={ The paper is devoted to a short presentation of the First Joint Meeting of the Romanian Mathematical Society and the American Mathematical Society, held in Alba Iulia, Romania in June 2013. The author makes also some historical remarks concerning the two societies and on the high recognition of a great number of mathematicians with background in the Romaian mathematical education system. }, URL = { http://rpss.inoe.ro/articles/108 }, eprint = { http://rpss.inoe.ro/articles/108/file }, journal = { Revista de Politica Științei și Scientometrie – Serie Nouă } }